Product details
Preliv -15 is Unique Formula to meet the Requirement of Ruminants for main functions of Liver.
- Preliv 15 stimulates secretion of Digestive Enzymes.
- Preliv 15 Stimulates Syntheses of albimin & Globulin.
- Preliv 15 Rejuvenate Liver cells.
- Preliv 15 improves storage of Glycogen & Iron.
- Preliv 15 Stimulates Detoxification & Excretion.
Each 10ml Cintains Aqueous extract of
- Phyllanthus niruri : 400 mg
- Boerhaavia diffusa : 400 mg
- Mandur bhasma : 210 mg
- Eclipta alba : 200 mg
- Terminalia Chebula : 200 mg
- Bunium Persicum : 200 mg
- Andographis Paniculate : 160 mg
- Tecomella undulata : 150 mg
- Saran kho : 150 mg
- Zingibar officinale : 120 mg
- Piper nigrum : 120 mg
- Black pepper : 120 mg
- Embelia ribes : 100 mg
- Cyperus rootundus : 100 mg
- Picrorhiza kurroa : 50 mg
- Excipients : Q.S.
Preliv - 15 Benefits. (Cattle / buffalo)
- Increase Milk Production & Growth Promoter.
- Haematinic, General Tonic Increases Vigour.
- Optimizes the Utilization of feed ingredients.
- Protects the liver from pesticide residues, aflatoxins and heavy matal, tannins etc.
- Preliv -15 Acts as a Good Appetizer.
Poultry :
- Protects liver disorders associated with fatty degeneration.
- Supportive therapy with antibiotic & deworming.
- Protect from aflatoxins and other toxic materials.
- Promotes growth & improves FCR.
- Improves egg production.
- Protects the hepatic damage by deworming.
- Improves weight gain.
- Cattle, Buffalo, Horses & Camels :- 50ml twice Daily.
- Calves, Pigs & Foals :- 20 -25 ml twice Daily.
- Dog, Sheep & Goat :- 15 - 20 ml twice Daily
Poultry for 100 Birds
- Chicks - 5 ml per Day.
- Growers - 10 ml per Day.
- Layers/Broilers - 10-15ml per Day.